The Domino.One Innovation Platform

Empower Everyone to Dream.

Drive Innovation. Accelerate Impact.

The breakthrough Domino.One Innovation Platform allows organizations to empower individuals to provide creative solutions to the organization’s top challenges or opportunities.

Leadership sets forth the menu of possibilities and empowers everyone to help prioritize, solve and activate accordingly. As each individual interacts with the issues they care for the most, the platform measures and recognizes that person’s contribution.

The end result is an always-on, united community providing solutions to the top priorities - constantly prioritizing, solving and activating against those ideas that will change the trajectory of their future.

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Prioritizing Opportunities for Action

  • The Domino.One platform allows an organization to focus their employees, customers or citizens on the issues that need solving the most.

  • The organization’s individuals then vote up or down those items they think are most important to solve.

  • Those areas NOT voted up are re-combined with new suggestions for the next round of consideration.

Solving The Top Priorities

  • Leadership takes the top priorities and develops a hypothesis on how they these may be solved.

  • Employees, customers or citizens are then invited to vote, improve and share those solutions, provide alternatives or even suggest their own.

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Final Activation Plans

  • Once the solve session is over, leadership and experts digest the outcomes and distills crowd inputs into final solutions based on timing, roadmap, budget, etc. along with actions needed to implement.

  • These solution plans lay out the strategy and invite the community to become part of the solution - donate, volunteer, take action and more.

Meritocracy in Motion

  • As each individual interacts in different ways with the issues they care about most, each action adds points to an overall score; voting, sharing, providing ideas others love, etc.

  • This participation and quality index can be rewarded in the form of customized badges and associated rewards.


Deployments For Enterprises

Empower Employees & Accelerate Innovation 

  • For Human Resources  - Empower every employee to dream and deliver ideas for solving the top issues facing the company.  

Customer Driven Innovation 

  • For product development - Invite your customers to participate in the product innovation process.  Reward them with swag or even a job!

  • For marketing (branded community) - Strengthen the bond with your existing customers to join your private community in producing solutions to social impact issues facing your community - reducing plastic, helping homeless, etc. 

  • For marketing (sponsored community) - Earn more customers by sponsoring public DominoOne deployments as a champion of a social impact area open to all that join. 

Deployments For Government

Employee Innovation

  • Whether government-wide or by department, allow your employees to drive new levels of innovation with recognition and rewards for participation and great ideas that make the world better for your citizens.  

Citizen Driven Innovation

  • Align civic leadership WITH citizen participation by inviting them to prioritize and help solve the greatest challenges facing the community: Traffic on 9th street, homeless downtown, access to water, etc.

  • Then watch them take action - Thursday neighborhood clean ups, reducing energy use at certain times, etc. 

 The Domino.One Software Platform allows for all of this in a safe, non-polarizing way.  It’s like running your own X-Prize contest that never goes away. It unites the community, strengthens relationships, and delivers immense feedback and value for your future path.

The Domino.One Platform can change the trajectory of your success.