Let’s Deliver a Cleaner, More Sustainable World. Together.

The Old Ways are About to Get Replaced.


You wouldn't throw your garbage into your home, nor deliberately poison your drinking water, contaminate the air you breathe, add toxic materials to the food you eat, or burn your garden. 

But humans, now numbering in the billions, are doing this every day to our core life support system: Our home, Planet Earth.

Earth Day 1970 was the wake up moment for many that we were polluting our way to an environmental disaster of enormous magnitude. Human derived pollution was discovered to be artificially raising the temperature of the atmosphere and that "inconvenient truth" led to worldwide concerns about Climate Change.

Thus arose the demand for solutions and remedies giving birth to a new vital industry known as CleanTech. 

Domino.One is proud to invite all companies, governments and capital partners working to impact these adverse affects to connect via the Domino.One CleanTech accelerator in order to fuel efforts that hold the most promise for our planet. We’re here to accelerate next gen companies pushing the frontier of what’s possible to mitigate, adapt and solve the following CleanTech areas:

  • Alternative Energy

  • Renewable Energy 

  • Recycling/Reuse/Upcycling/Zero Waste

  • Pollution Prevention/Remediation/Amelioration across air, water & land

  • Energy Efficiency & Reduction 

  • Natural Resource Conservation

Powering the CleanTech Movement

What’s the value of having 50+ years of climate mitigation, green economy, and impact acceleration on your team?  Or multiple powerful networks that can drive capital and revenue? 

Did we mention no equity, no bootcamps, no one-size-fits-all?  

Domino.One strengthens CleanTech growth companies, helps them secure aligned capital and then shifts gears to revenue to grow the value of the firm.  

Enormous horsepower in a pay-for-performance model.


CleanTech in Motion | Steele Environmental

The shipping industry is one of the biggest polluters on planet earth with 70% of goods traveling by sea.  Fuel is also their biggest cost.  Recently the United Nations passed IMO 2020 an international mandate that the shipping industry must reduce carbon emissions significantly in the coming years.

Steele Environmental develops and markets a unique fuel catalyst that with no additional effort, produces significant fuel savings, extends the life of engines AND reduces negative emissions by up to 40%.  For trucks too! That’s CleanTech in motion. 

Status: Ramping Revenue, Raising Series A + Venture Debt

Learn More

An Ecosystem of CleanTech Capital Partners 

We also develop capital and commercial relationships with great care and are proud to work with CleanTech capital partners around the world representing:

  • Angels and Angel Groups

  • Family Offices

  • Venture Capital Firms

  • Venture Debt

  • PE and Hedge Funds

  • A/R, PO, Working Cap Finance

  • Crowdfunding Entities

  • DeFi, Blockchain and Token Exchanges

  • Project Finance

  • Limited Partners 

  • Foundations

  • Non-Conventional Capital 

  • Traditional Banks & Credit Partners

Learn more about becoming a Domino.One Capital Partner

Join the Domino.One CleanTech Accelerator!


Join this Domino.One accelerator for success-changing guidance and gain exposure to CleanTech investors and enterprises alike.

Capital Partners

Become a Domino.One capital partner and have advanced access to exciting CleanTech deal flow that matches your criteria for superior financial gain.


Join this Domino.One accelerator to see many commercialization and investment opportunities as well as products and services that will strengthen your success.  


Interested in sponsoring this accelerator with value add products or services?  Contact us today.