Mass Destruction Stops Here.

Preventing & Controlling Mass Forest Fires


Fire is a fundamental element of the Earth, from volcanoes to lightning; the natural sparks that ignite fire combustion. But in our human civilization, fire is a two-sided sword— from cooking to warmth and from manufacturing to transportation, humankind has harnessed this energy for our controlled bidding.  

But this same energy also brings the potential of destruction in warfare, the flattening of our rainforests and even deliberate arson.  And now, from Australia to Siberia to Northern California, the increasing threat and reality of climate change is fueling unprecedented and devastating wildfires putting flora and fauna, our homes and towns, our health and very survival at risk.

Domino.One is proud to invite all entrepreneurs, governments, enterprises and capital partners working to impact these adverse effects to participate in powering those efforts that hold the most promise for our planet. We’re looking to accelerate next gen companies pushing the frontier of what’s possible in this frontier, high-demand areas:

  • Fire Prevention - natural ecosystems to techniques, products, services, safety 

  • Fire Fighting -  advancing every aspect of protective equipment for first responders, to vehicles, land, air, sea and space

  • Suppression - barriers, building systems, materials

  • Monitoring and Alerting - satellites to drones, communications, remote sensing

  • Rescue and medical, rehab, recovery

  • Remediation—rebuilding, repairing-- natural and made-made aspects

Powering the FireTech Movement

What’s the value of having 50+ years of climate mitigation, green economy, impact acceleration on your team?  Or multiple powerful networks that can drive capital and revenue? 

Did we mention no equity, no bootcamps, no one-size-fits-all?  

Domino.One strengthens growth companies, helps them secure aligned capital and then shifts gears to revenue to grow the value of the firm.  

Enormous horsepower in a pay-for-performance model.


FireTech In Action | SkyFire

An incredible redesign and rethinking of the helicopter from combustion engine to electric allows for more power and less payload.  What that means is a new retrofit for existing helicopters that can create a new, powerful firefighting aircraft capable of precision deployment during fires regardless of distance, height or space. A massive breakthrough in FireTech and beyond.

Status: Engineering complete, Build out additional prototypes

Learn More


FireTech In Action | Kraus Hamdani Aerospace

To prevent mass fires, we must identify the source and spark as early as possible. KHA’s incredible surveillance UAVs have many uses in fire prevention and control - from nearly perpetual flight/monitoring, real time aerial data in areas unreachable by current aircraft, and even the ability to drop critical payload in areas beyond our reach.

Status: Series B+

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An Ecosystem of FireTech Capital Partners 

We also develop capital and commercial relationships with great care and are proud to work with FireTech aligned capital partners around the world like:

  • Angels and Angel Groups

  • Family Offices

  • Venture Capital Firms

  • Venture Debt

  • PE and Hedge Funds 

  • A/R, PO, Working Cap Finance

  • Crowdfunding Entities

  • DeFi, Blockchain and Token Exchanges

  • Project Finance  

  • Limited Partners 

  • Foundations

  • Non-Conventional Capital 

  • Traditional Banks & Credit Partners


Learn more about becoming a Domino.One Capital Partner

Join the Domino.One FireTech Accelerator!


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Capital Partners

Become a Domino.One capital partner and have advanced access to exciting AgTech deal flow that matches your criteria for superior financial gain.


Join this Domino.One accelerator to see many commercialization and investment opportunities as well as products and services that will strengthen your success


Interested in sponsoring this accelerator with value add products or services?  Contact us today.