The Future of Agriculture is Here.

Clean & Sustainable Food Will Power the World.


Tragically and unforgivably, some 20 million people die annually from starvation on our planet. How do we solve feeding an ever growing population while simultaneously dealing with two huge problems: extreme weather and droughts resulting from climate change and further wrecking the Earth's vital soil from overuse, pesticides, biocides, petroleum -based fertilizers, potable water shortages, farm pollution run off, encroachment of developments and more? 

And then the sobering fact that the world's agriculture is a major contributor to Climate Change.

The good news is that innovative solutions abound that can rise to the challenge, protect the planet's environment and deliver sustainable ecologies and food sources alike.  Welcome to the world of AgTech, FarmTech, FoodTech and more. 

Domino.One is proud to invite all companies, governments & capital partners working to drive the future of agriculture to connect via this Domino.One AgTech accelerator in order to fuel efforts that hold the most promise for our planet. We’re here to accelerate next gen companies pushing the frontier of what’s possible in Regenerative Agriculture/AgTech/FoodTech areas such as:

  • Electric Tractors

  • Renewable Energy

  • Regenerative approaches

  • Local Organic Farming 

  • Vertical, Air, Hydroponic Growing techniques

  • AquaCulture

  • GreenHouses,Underground Ag

  • Indoor Farming, In-home farming, Personal ag

  • Hi Tech "Victory Gardens"

  • City Agriculture

  • Roof-Top farming

  • Zero Waste

  • BioBased energy

  • Recycling & Purification of Water,

  • Biological pest control

  • Genetically produced foods, Plant based Protein

  • Unlikely natural & engineered food resources

  • Drones & Satellites, monitors, pest fighters, efficiency tech

  • Robotic Planters & Harvesters

  • Land recycling, multipurpose land use

  • Extreme climate farms

  • Space Ag

Powering the AgTech Movement

What’s the value of having 50+ years of climate mitigation, green economy, impact acceleration on your team?  Or multiple powerful networks that can drive capital and revenue? 

Did we mention no equity, no bootcamps, no one-size-fits-all?  

Domino.One strengthens growth companies, helps them secure aligned capital and then shifts gears to revenue to grow the value of the firm.  

Enormous horsepower in a pay-for-performance model.


AgTech in Motion |


For much of the urban world, perfected nutrition is either excessively expensive or out of reach completely.  An average of 26 hands touch your food from farm to your fridge.  

ModGarden is like the Kuerig of greens with patent-pending soil as if from the earth 100 years ago.  Simply drop in a pod and enjoy perfectly clean greens regardless of where you live.   Or build a wall for vertical farming ease.

AI, IOT and more. This is AgTech Indoor Farming for everyone.

Status: Series A

Learn More


Regenerative Agriculture in Motion |

Regenerative Resources

In much of the world, worthless arid land meets the sea in an area difficult for humans to live.  Because of the lack of agriculture, the seas are overfished and the population locked into an ecosystem of poverty.  Until now. 

Regenerative Resources ecologically transforms these forgotten environments into thriving fisheries, mangrove coastlines that sequester carbon and new found agriculture centers using AgTech and sustainable technology and relationships for good.  Truly transforming the world.

Status: Multiple major projects underway, Project Finance 

Learn More

An Ecosystem of AgTech Capital Partners 

We also develop capital and commercial relationships with great care and are proud to work with Agriculture aligned capital partners around the world representing:

  • Angels and Angel Groups

  • Family Offices

  • Venture Capital Firms

  • Venture Debt

  • PE and Hedge Funds 

  • A/R, PO, Working Cap Finance

  • Crowdfunding Entities

  • DeFi, Blockchain and Token Exchanges

  • Project Finance  

  • Limited Partners 

  • Foundations

  • Non-Conventional Capital 

  • Traditional Banks & Credit Partners


Learn more about becoming a Domino.One Capital Partner

Join the Domino.One AgTech Accelerator!


Join this Domino.One accelerator for success-changing guidance and gain exposure to AgTech investors and enterprises alike.

Capital Partners

Become a Domino.One capital partner and have advanced access to exciting AgTech deal flow that matches your criteria for superior financial gain.


Join this Domino.One accelerator to see many commercialization and investment opportunities as well as products and services that will strengthen your success


Interested in sponsoring this accelerator with value add products or services?  Contact us today.