The Bio-Based Revolution Starts Here

From Clothing to Buildings, everything natural


We are facing a vitally serious global problem: How do we have economic growth & development, with a tide that lifts all boats, and yet protect the environment that sustains all life on the Earth? 

A major aspect of the inclusive, sustainable green economy, and a big solution to climate change, is moving away from virgin, non organic materials, fossil fuels, and products that pollute the environment and are not renewable, to the Bio-Based Economy -- essentially everything organic, natural, and derived from plants- growables and regrowables in harmony with the BioSphere.

The ultimate goal is to make EVERYTHING we consume or use from organic materials, totally compatible with the ecosystem, renewable, and with low or no carbon into the atmosphere.

Domino.One is proud to invite all entrepreneurs, governments, enterprises and capital partners working to drive the bio-based frontier and to participate in fueling those efforts that hold the most promise for our planet. We’re looking to accelerate next gen companies pushing the frontier of what’s possible in these high-demand areas:

  • Plastics 

  • Energy and Fuels

  • Manufacturing Materials --Henry Ford demonstrated Steel strong car bodies from Hemp

  • Recycled/Upcycled Ag Wastes 

  • New Multipurpose Agricultural enterprises

  • Building materials

  • Clothing

  • WaterTech

  • Ocean farms

  • PlantTech--super wood, hempcrete, etc.

Powering the Bio-Based Economy Movement

What’s the value of having 50+ years of climate mitigation, green economy, impact acceleration on your team?  Or multiple powerful networks that can drive capital and revenue? 

Did we mention no equity, no bootcamps, no one-size-fits-all?  

Domino.One strengthens growth companies, helps them secure aligned capital and then shifts gears to revenue to grow the value of the firm.  

Enormous horsepower in a pay-for-performance model.

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Bio-Based Economy In Action | SunHouse

With a high volume hemp farm focused on FDA-level quality, Sun House Ventures is a 1,900 acre farm in Colorado's most fertile valley producing hemp oil by products that will be used in everything from building materials to clothing to consumer products.

Status: Series B+

Learn More

An Ecosystem of Bio-based Capital Partners

We also develop capital and commercial relationships with great care and are proud to represent Bio-Based aligned capital partners around the world like:

  • Angels and Angel Groups

  • Family Offices

  • Venture Capital Firms

  • Venture Debt

  • PE and Hedge Funds 

  • A/R, PO, Working Cap Finance

  • Crowdfunding Entities

  • DeFi, Blockchain and Token Exchanges

  • Project Finance  

  • Limited Partners 

  • Foundations 

Learn more about becoming a Domino.One Capital Partner

Join the Domino.One Bio-Based Accelerator!


Join this Domino.One accelerator for success-changing guidance and gain exposure to Bio-Based investors and enterprises alike.

Capital Partners

Become a Domino.One capital partner and have advanced access to exciting AgTech deal flow that matches your criteria for superior financial gain.


Join this Domino.One accelerator to see many commercialization and investment opportunities as well as products and services that will strengthen your success


Interested in sponsoring this accelerator with value add products or services?  Contact us today.